販売価格改定に伴う、一部ストアにおける不具合に関して/Regarding a bug with in-store prices
いつも「クリスタル オブ リユニオン」をご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。
消費税率が8%から10%に引き上げられることに伴い、本日、ゲーム内アイテムの販売価格の改定を行いましたが、App Storeにおいて、各種商品の有料ゴールドの個数と販売価格に若干の差異が生じる現象を確認しております。
今後とも「クリスタル オブ リユニオン」をよろしくお願いいたします。
Regarding a bug with in-store prices
Thank you for supporting “Crystal of Re:union”.
Due to the Japanese consumption tax being raised from 8% to 10%, the prices of items within the game have been changed accordingly. Unfortunately the displayed prices in the App Store have not been updated leading to discrepancies and we are looking into the issue.
The updated prices have been forwarded to Apple for updates, though we are not certain at this moment exactly when the new prices will be reflected.
Note that the gold amount currently displayed is the correct amount, and when Apple updates with the new prices, there will be no change to the displayed gold prices.
We will be sure to let players know when the updated prices are displayed correctly.
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.
We hope you continue to enjoy “Crystal of Re:union” and thank you for your support.